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她穿着兔子装和灿烂的笑容出现在试镜现场,让所有人都为之倾倒! 虽然像兔子一样引人注目,但当她说她是一名护士时,我们知道我们必须和她一起工作。她急切地同意穿上(和脱下)她的制服。她喜欢制服对人——尤其是她的病人——的影响,并且非常认真地对待她的护理。 她有一点时尚和广告模特经验,但这是她第一次为色情照片摆姿势。她的表现令人惊叹。有一次她在床上玩耍,随着湿气从她天然的灌木丛中逸出,她的兴奋变得显而易见。 她无法掩饰自己为 Hegre.com 脱掉衣服的兴奋程度。你能把你的眼睛藏起来吗?
She showed up for casting in a bunny outfit and a big smile, and took everyone by storm!
Though striking as a bunny, when she said she was a nurse we knew we had to work with her. She eagerly agreed to appear in (and out of) her uniform. She loves the impact the uniform has on people - her patients in particular - and takes her nursing very seriously.
She had a little experience modelling for fashion and advertising but this was her first time posing for erotic photographs. Her performance was amazing. At one point as she played on the bed, her excitement became obvious as the wetness escaped from her natural bush.
She couldn’t hide how aroused she was taking her clothes off for Hegre.com. Can you hide yours looking at her?
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