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大多数裸体摄影师都是男性,当镜头后面是女性时,模特的行为往往会有所不同。 当女孩赤身裸体站在男人面前时,即使作品完全专业,也有一种自然的性颤抖,使镜头具有色情优势。这是一种奇怪的二分法,但尽管如此,当女孩们聚在一起时,就会有一种开放的态度,为裸体艺术带来全新的维度。 Mila 是一个活泼的金发女郎,性感而自信,尤其是当她为 Luba 摆姿势时,她捕捉到的图像是如此自然,以至于他们受到了启发 - 毫无疑问,灵感来自 Petter,他给 Luba 买了一台相机作为她的生日礼物,她一直在使用从那时起,这些技术就成为了 Hegre.com 广受欢迎的 Girl-on-Girl 系列的典范。 Mila,当然,是一个神圣的主体。当她不在镜头前摆姿势时,她正在大学努力学习艺术和文化。
Most nude photographers are men and models tend to behave differently when it is a female behind the lens.
WHILE GIRLS are standing naked before a man, even though the work is totally professional, there is a sexual frisson which is natural and gives the shots their erotic edge. It is an odd dichotomy, but in spite of this, when girls get together there is an openness that brings a whole new dimension to the nude as art.
Mila is a bubbly blonde, sexy and confident, especially when she is posing for Luba, who captures images that are so natural they are inspired - inspired, no doubt, by Petter, who bought Luba a camera for her birthday and she has been using the techniques learned as model for Hegre.com’s popular Girl-on-Girl series ever since.
Mila, of course, is a divine subject. When she isn't posing for the camera, she is working hard at university studying Art and Culture.
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