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害羞而甜美的玛丽娜是五姐妹中最小的一个。 通常,这样的大家庭会采取以下两种方式之一:他们要么彼此憎恨,要么世代相传。幸运的是,玛丽娜属于这两类人中的后者。玛丽娜每周日去教堂寻找慰藉,并且在过去六年里一直是宗教舞蹈团的活跃成员。好像这听起来还不够天真,她还喜欢加冰淇淋的水果。她在大学学习艺术,住在大学校园里。 凭借她美丽的大眼睛和经典的纯真,玛丽娜成为了一个不太可能的裸体模特,这正是我们如此爱她的原因。
Shy and sweet, Marina is the youngest of five sisters.
Normally such large families go one of two ways; they either all hate each other, or they remain deeply devoted for generations. Fortunately Marina is of the later of these two categories. Marina finds solace in going to church every Sunday and has been an active member of a religious dance troop for the last six years. As if that wasn’t innocent sounding enough, she also loves fruits with ice cream. She studies art in college and lives on the University campus.
With her big beautiful eyes and classic innocence Marina makes an unlikely nude model, and that is precisely why we love her so.
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