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是的,大小很重要。但是对于不同的事情有不同的方式。以我们的新模特 Leona 为例。她超级小,这让她更加可爱。 这个顽皮、可爱的书虫——一个完美的夜晚的想法是蜷缩在一本好小说中——不需要去健身房。她天生健康。她也是裸体模特界的新手,这让她更加迷人。 如果你喜欢她们娇小聪明,Leona 就是你的女孩。她灿烂的笑容、深邃的黑眼睛和长及臀部以下的浓密长发令人愉悦。她正在 Hegre 上分享这一切,所以来吧,让她的魅力带走你!
Yes, size does matter. But in different ways for different things. Take our new model, Leona. She’s super tiny, and that makes her all the sweeter.
This playful, adorable bookworm – whose idea of a perfect evening is curling up with a good novel – doesn’t need to go to the gym. She’s just naturally fit and healthy. She’s also new to the nude modelling scene, which makes her all the more enticing.
If you like them petite and smart, Leona is your girl. There’s so much joy in her blinding smile, dark deep eyes, and long thick hair down below her hips. And she's sharing it all on Hegre, so come along and let her charms carry you away!
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