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新俄罗斯以解放了大量美丽而有才华的女性而闻名。这就是 Ksenia 诞生的场景。 在莫斯科,她与一家室内设计杂志长期合作。从那一步到另一个欣赏美的领域——模特是很自然的一步。 现在,她正在通过 Hegre.com 寻找更大的展示空间。 Ksenia 带来了巨大的资产。她拥有美丽的外表、活力和漂亮的屁股,无论走到哪里,她都是人们关注的焦点。 这一切都让她有点意外。 Ksenia 是一个随和随和的女孩,她的智能手机总是在旅途中。她与自觉的模特刻板印象相去甚远。在镜头外,她喜欢隔壁别墅的女孩的牛仔裤和运动鞋造型。 在镜头前,她变成了一个迷人的宝贝。
The new Russia is famed for liberating a whole lot of gorgeous and talented women. That is the scene that Ksenia springs from.
In Moscow she has got a long-running gig with an interior design magazine. It’s a natural step from that to moving into another field that admires beauty – modelling.
Now she is looking for a larger showcase via Hegre.com. Ksenia brings tremendous assets. She has the looks, the energy and a gorgeous ass that is the centre of attention wherever she goes.
That all comes as a bit of a surprise to her. Ksenia is a casual and easy-going girl with her smartphone always on the go. She’s a long way from the self-conscious model stereotype. Off-camera she goes for the jeans and sneakers look of the girl from the dacha next door.
On camera she is transformed into a stunning babe.
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