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Iris 把握时机、戏剧化地利用一小段时间的能力近乎天才,毫无疑问,这是她作为空姐工作的结果。 她利用每一刻和每一个手势发挥最大的作用。在机舱的限制下工作,她将浮躁的肉体与高度的魅力和调情、诱人的魅力结合在一起——她在镜头前展现的技巧令人惊叹。 Iris 在克里米亚的辛菲罗波尔出生并生活了一辈子。 Iris 有能力让男人爱上她,如果你看一眼,就很容易明白为什么:那双睁大的大眼睛是你陷入的深渊,而她的曲线是完美的。她有狂野的一面,但喜欢保持平衡练习瑜伽。 目前她只在乌克兰境内飞行,但这个女孩要去的地方和天空是极限。
Iris's ability to grasp the moment, to make dramatic use of a sliver of time is close to genius and is the result, no doubt, of her job as an air hostess.
SHE USES each moment and every gesture to maximum effect. Working within the constraints of an aeroplane cabin, she combines an impetuous physicality with high glamour and a flirtatious, seductive allure - skills she brings before the camera to stunning effect.
Iris was born and has lived all her life in Simferopol in the Crimea. Iris has the ability to make men fall in love with her and, if you take one look, it is easy to see why: those big, wide open eyes are chasms that you plunge into and her curves are perfect. She has a wild side, but likes to keep in balance practising yoga.
At present she only flies within the Ukraine, but this girl is going places and the sky's the limit.
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