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认识我们的新模特 Elina。长长的金发,圆润的蓝眼睛,健美的身材,看起来就像一个和男孩子一起玩球的女孩,但也让他们心醉神迷。 在内心深处,Elina 是一个彻头彻尾的嬉皮士。原本是个乡下姑娘,喜欢环游世界,发现新的冒险。她的自由和慷慨的精神就是“做爱,而不是战争”。 为 Hegre 摆姿势也是她“无禁忌”生活方式的一部分。对 Elina 来说,如果有界限,她就会跨越。你不能阻止她;你所能做的就是引诱她多呆一会儿。 当她留下来的时候,时间就很好了。她顽皮、随和,最终对她所拥有的一切心存感激。和我们一样。欢迎,埃琳娜!
Meet our new model, Elina. With her long blonde hair, mellow blue eyes, and toned frame, she looks like a girl who plays balls with the boys, but also makes their hearts swoon.
Deep down, Elina is a total hippie. Originally a country girl, she loves to wander the world and discover new adventures. Her free and generous spirit is all about “make love, not war.”
Posing for Hegre was also part of her “no taboos” approach to life. For Elina, if there’s a boundary, she’s going to cross it. You can’t hold her back; all you can do is entice her to stay awhile.
And when she stays, times are good. She’s playful, easy-going, and ultimately grateful for everything she’s got. As are we. Welcome, Elina!
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