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Dominika 是一个只能被描述为一个伟大的女孩 - 多才多艺,性感和惊人的身体。她有一半意大利血统,意大利语说得一口流利。 作为一个 5 岁儿子的母亲,Dominika 曾入选国家游泳和体操队。尽管她身材娇小,但她的体格强壮且非常灵活。她只是散发着性感,还告诉我们她喜欢在裸体海滩上闲逛! Dominika 仅在 3 个月前开始做模特,因为之前她的前男友阻止她做任何类型的模特。 小巧玲珑,这个刚出生的模型在镜头前是天生的! 点击此处与她见面!
Dominika is what can only be described as a great girl - accomplished, sexy and with a stunning body. She is half Italian and speaks Italian perfectly.
The mother of a 5 year old son, Dominika was on the national team for her country in swimming and gymnastic. Despite her tiny frame she has a strong and very flexible physique. She just oozes sensuality and also tells us that she loves to hang out on nude beaches!
Dominika started modeling as little as 3 months ago as previously her ex-boyfriend stopped her from doing any kind of modeling.
Small but perfectly formed, this newly born model is a natural in front of the camera!
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