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有些模特是天生的,有些模特天生就是为了炫耀自己的东西。 Sian 的父母恰好都是摄影师,所以她别无选择。当她第一次睁开眼睛从小床上向外看时,两台摄像机捕捉到了她曾经的微笑和鬼脸。从那以后,她就一直在对着镜头摆姿势。 Sian 21岁,身高170cm,体重52kg,典型的邻家女孩类型,来自南非。她不确定自己是否会全职从事模特工作,并且满足于在开普敦大学学习艺术和广告的同时赚点外快。当 Petter Hegre 问她为什么从不刮胡子时,她说:“我是一个简单自然的女孩,不会对我的身体做太多的毛茸茸的事情。” 她最大的特点就是她的魅力。 Sian 害羞、少女,绝对可爱、可爱、可爱。
Some models are made and some are born to strut their stuff.
BOTH OF Sian’s parents happen to be photographers, so she didn't have a choice. The first time she opened her eyes and peered out of her cot, two cameras were capturing her ever smile and grimace. And she has been posing for the camera ever since.
Sian is 21, 170cm, 52 kg and a classical, girl-next-door kind of girl from South Africa. She isn't sure whether she will pursue a full-time career in modeling and is content to earn some extra cash while she studies art and advertising at the University of Cape Town. When Petter Hegre asked her why she never shaved, she said: "I am a simple and natural girl and do not make much fuzz about my body."
Her greatest feature is her charm. Sian is shy, girlish and absolutely cute, cute, cute.
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