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Olena 脆弱的骨感,乳白色的皮肤和大量的态度,是那种总是受到关注的女孩。一个真正的国际化女孩,这个年轻的爆竹游历广泛,有趣,时尚,说实话,有点疯狂! 假小子 Olena 喜欢她的美国卡车帽和匡威鞋,但也喜欢超性感的内衣!与她无政府主义的态度一致,她喜欢朋克音乐和大量的性爱。在整个拍摄过程中,她都在咀嚼富含蛋白质的蟹肉棒,以帮助保持她苗条而卑鄙的身材! Olena 散发着性感魅力,有点狂野,是你妈妈警告过你的那种女孩——你已经被警告过了!
Fragile skinny with milky white skin and tons of attitude, Olena is the kind of girl who always gets noticed. A truly cosmopolitan girl, this young firecracker is well traveled, funny, stylish and if we are honest, a little bit crazy!
Tomboy Olena loves her US truck caps and converse shoes but also has an appreciation for ultra sexy lingerie! In line with her anarchic attitude she loves punk music and lots of sex. And throughout the shoot she chomped on protein rich crabsticks to help maintain that lean and mean body of hers!
Oozing sex appeal and a little bit wild, Olena is the kind of girl your mother warned you about – you have been warned!
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