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そこで新しいモデル、ヌナの登場です。彼女はムンビア出身のファッション モデルで、これまでヌードを撮ったことはありませんが、真の手付かずのインドの美しさがどのように見えるかを世界に示すために、ヘグレのために服を脱ぐことにしました。ヌナはカーマスートラの古代の著者にインスピレーションを与えたような女性であるだけでなく、インドの女性があまりにも頻繁に直面する恥と虐待を終わらせたいと思っている過激な新しい種類のインドの女性です.
The Kama Sutra is India’s original text on spiritual sensuality. It teaches a wide array of sexual positions, all designed to bring transcendent union between the participants. But the India of today – with its suppression of women and their sexuality – is a much different place than the one that created the Kama Sutra.
That’s where our new model, Nuna, comes in. She’s a fashion model from Mumbia who’s never done nudes before, but she decided to take her clothes off for Hegre so she can show the world what true unspoiled Indian beauty looks like. Not only is Nuna the kind of woman that inspired the ancient author of the Kama Sutra, but she’s a radical new kind of Indian woman who wants to end the shame and abuse that Indian women face all too often.
We are proud to give Nuna the chance to show her free spirit and contribute to the liberation of women in India. And while she’s breaking taboos, she’s also breaking hearts. Her dark brown eyes, golden skin, raven black hair and perfect figure are sure to send you into a state of sensual transcendence yourself.
Thank you, Nuna, for having the bravery to follow your heart and show us all what true independence looks like!