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尽管拥有一张美丽的脸蛋和一双锐利的蓝眼睛,您可能会或可能不会惊讶地听到 Melissa 是“屁股小姐”称号的骄傲赢家 - 这是在英属维尔京群岛举行的年度比赛! 拥有迷人的长发、肌肉发达、健美的身体和令人难以置信的活泼的乳房,Melissa 的身体渴望被拍照。处于身体巅峰时期的梅丽莎喜欢保持体形,并将自己的身体视为圣殿。她仔细选择食物,确保一切都有助于最佳健康。 因为Melissa强壮的骨架让人容易以为她是个硬朗的女孩,其实Melissa更多的是感性。紧致健美的身体隐藏着柔软得多的中心! 天生迷人又性感,我们知道您会喜欢欣赏 Melissa 完美娇小的身体!
Despite having a beautiful face with piercing blue eyes you may, or may not, be surprised to hear that Melissa is a proud winner of the "Miss Ass" title - an annual competition that is held on the British Virgin Islands!
With stunning long hair, a muscular, toned body and incredibly perky tits Melissa's body just cries out to be photographed. In her physical prime Melissa likes to keep in shape and views her body as a temple. She chooses her foods carefully making sure everything contributes to optimum health.
Because Melissa has a powerful frame it would be easy to believe that she is a tough kind of girl, but Melissa is actually more the emotional type. The taut, toned body conceals a much softer centre!
Naturally stunning and sexy, we know you are going to enjoy admiring all of Melissa's perfectly petite body!
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