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リーラと一緒にタントラ愛の神聖なゲームを発見してください。 Leela は、彼女のセクシュアリティと楽しく遊び心のある関係を築いており、彼女のビジョンを世界に広めたいと考えています。
Discover the divine game of tantric love with Leela. Leela has a joyfull, playful relationship with her sexuality, and wants to take her vision to the world.
When iniciated in the path of tantra, she received a new name that describes her attitude and spirit: Leela, the divine play. She belives that people should accept their sexuality as a natural part of us as human beings, without prejudices or condemnations. Sex generates the energy of live, of which we are all made of, and when liberated is converted in the power of creativity and healing. So we should celebrate it, love it, play with it and meditate over it.
Leela will take you into the path of tantra and show you how to have a better sexuality and a happier life.