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如果您看到 Joseline 静静地坐着看书,您将不知道她脑子里在想什么。想要线索吗?好吧,她认为文字是世界上最好的壮阳药。 认识 23 岁的爱沙尼亚人 Joseline。她是色情小说的忠实粉丝。她说,虽然男人是视觉动物,但当按下她们耳朵之间的按钮时,女人会被打开。她认为色情故事是做到这一点的最佳方式。她说,她从想象中得到的感受比她在现实生活中的感受强 100 倍。 约瑟琳说,情色小说之所以吸引人,是因为它全是关于性和激情,而不是生活中其他平凡的事物。色情文学中没有人会洗第二批衣服,或担心孩子或他们的工作。人们不会感到压力、疲倦、担心或无聊。不,她所居住的虚构世界充满了真正让人热血沸腾的火热关系和性幻想。 约瑟琳认为语言具有强大的性力量。这意味着如果你在酒吧里碰到她,一定要小心选择用词。
If you see Joseline sitting quietly reading a book, you’ll have no idea what’s going on in her head. Want a clue? Well, she thinks words are the world’s best aphrodisiacs.
Meet 23-year-old Estonian, Joseline. She’s a huge fan of erotic fiction. She says while men are visual creatures, women are turned on when the button between their ears is pressed. And she thinks erotic stories are the best way to do this. She says the feelings she gets from her imagination are 100 times stronger than what she experiences in real life.
Joseline says erotic fiction is attractive because it’s all about sex and passion, not the other mundane things in life. No one in erotic literature is putting a second load of clothes washing on, or worrying about kids, or their job. People are not stressed, tired, worried or bored. No, the fictional worlds she inhabits are filled with fiery relationships and sexual fantasies that really get the blood pumping.
Joseline believes language has great sexual power. Which means if you ever bump into her in a bar, make sure you choose your words carefully.
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