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这是您不常听到的事情:当 Petter 与我们来自菲律宾的新模特 Jessa 一起拍摄时,她不断地扮演 Frank Sinatra。是的,她是活泼年轻身体中的老灵魂。她按照自己的方式行事。 因为事实上,在她保守的祖国做裸体模特是非常勇敢的。但那是杰莎。作为一个旅行者、诗人和大胆的梳妆台,她自信地说,“即使是聪明的人在我面前也会变得软弱。” 她从 17 岁起就一直独立,所以她作为模特工作了很多,但她告诉 Petter,她从来没有像和他一样努力工作。带着 1000 多张照片离开,Petter 准备向您展示她“天生的性感气质”。一切为了你,亲爱的会员,一切为了你。
Here’s something you don’t hear often: As Petter was shooting with Jessa, our new model from the Philippines, she constantly played Frank Sinatra. Yep, she’s an old soul in a perky young body. And she does it her way.
Cuz fact is, it’s very brave to be a nude model in her conservative homeland. But that’s Jessa. A traveller, a poet, and a daring dresser, she confidently asserts, “even smart men go weak in my presence.”
She’s been independent since 17, so she’s worked a lot as a model, but she told Petter she’d never worked as hard as she did with him. And coming away with 1000s of pics, Petter is ready to show you her “natural sexy aura.” All for you, dear members, all for you.
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