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Engelie 只爱人体。她以自己和他人的快乐为乐。她所做的一切都体现了这一点。 在她的祖国乌克兰,她有望成为一名顶级网球运动员。 “我也可以做到”她笑着说,“但我的胸部总是碍事”。不过她没有怨言。那些丰满、性感的乳房给了她很多乐趣。她不是唯一认为他们伟大的人。 作为一个运动型的女孩,她接受了很多按摩。这让她开始思考按摩其他女孩会是什么样子。这自然包括她的好朋友琪琪。现在她可以尽情地沉浸在自己暗自思索的种种幻想中了。 “尽情享受”是这位派对女孩的座右铭。 “享受她”是我们所说的。 点击此处与她见面!
Engelie just loves the human body. She takes pleasure in her own and other people’s. It shows in everything she does.
In her home country Ukraine she was on course to be a top tennis player. “I could have done it too” she laughs “But my breasts kept getting in the way”. She has no complaints though. Those full, voluptuous breasts have given her lots of pleasure. She is not the only one who thinks they are magnificent.
With being such a sporty girl, she received plenty of massages. That got her to thinking about what it would be like to massage other girls. Naturally that included her close friend Kiki. Now she can indulge herself in all the fantasies that she was secretly thinking.
“Enjoy yourself” is the motto of this party girl. “Enjoy her” is what we say.
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