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Dasha 最想做的就是建造一台时光机,体验过去时光的魅力。 自称是所有复古事物的爱好者,Dasha 希望有一天能拥有 Bettie Page 那样的明星影响力。她喜欢与早期扭结摄影相关的性纯真,并希望在她自己的造型中传达这一点。凭借她修长、曲线优美、丰满的身材和迷人的笑容,她无疑走在了正确的道路上。 Dasha 目前正在乌克兰南部学习戏剧,并希望利用她的表演技巧来发展她的模特生涯。 Dasha 会开玩笑地承认她完美的乳房来自她的母亲。那个家族一定有一些好的基因。
Dasha would like nothing better then to build a time machine and experience the glamour of days gone past.
A self professed lover of all things retro, Dasha hopes one day to have the star power of Bettie Page. She loves the sexual innocence associated with early kink photography and hopes to convey that in her own modeling. With her long, curvy, full figured body, and a winning smile she is most certainly on the right track. Dasha is currently studying theater in the south of Ukraine and hopes to use her acting skills to future her modeling career.
Dasha will jokingly admit that her perfect breasts come from her mother. There must be some good genes in that family.
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