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如果你发现自己在隆冬时分迷失在俄罗斯的荒野中,你最好希望你和这个女孩在一起。 如果野熊攻击你,她会用那双锐利的眼睛一瞥把它们吓跑。作为一名训练有素的外科医生,如果你遇到麻烦,她可以把你安顿下来。 认识俄罗斯美女安雅。有着钢铁般的身体和与之相匹配的个性,她不是胆小的女孩。如果你在酒吧接近她,你最好确保你有一些很棒的台词。胆小的人无需申请!但有了这个身体,我们不会责怪你的努力。 作为一名医生,她可能是我们在 Hegre.com 上见过的受过最多教育的模特。但俄罗斯不利的工作条件意味着她作为一名时尚和健身模特实际上赚了更多钱。正如您可以清楚地看到的那样,她非常重视健身,还以营养专家的身份为私人客户提供建议。 所以,就像俄罗斯熊一样,您可能喜欢拥抱的想法,但您应该谨慎接近。
If you ever find yourself lost in the Russian wilderness in the depths of winter, you better hope you’re with this girl.
If wild bears attack you, she’ll scare them away with a glance from those piercing eyes. And as a trained surgeon, she can stich you up should you get into trouble.
Meet Russian beauty, Anya. With a body of steel and a personality to match, she is not a girl for the fainthearted. If you approach her in a bar you better make sure you’ve got some great lines. Timid guys need not apply! But with this body, we wouldn’t blame you for trying.
As a doctor, she is possibly the most educated model we’ve ever had on Hegre.com. But unfavourable working terms and conditions in Russia mean she actually makes more money as a fashion and fitness model. And as you can clearly see, she takes fitness seriously, also advising private clients as a nutritional expert.
So, like a Russian bear, you might like the idea of a cuddle, but you should approach with caution.
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