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Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
あなたは、4 つの絶対に美しいオーガズムを見ようとしています。 Hegre.com で初めて、信じられないほどの 4K 解像度でそれらを見ることができます。はい、私たちは数年間 4k で撮影してきましたが、4k で表示されるのはこれが初めてです。これは視覚的な御馳走です。
その後、事態は深刻になります。最初は、彼女をワイルドにする G スポットとクリトリスの組み合わせです。彼女が少し回復したら、彼は彼女の肛門を指でからかっている間、彼女のクリトリスの口頭刺激に移ります。再び来て、彼女は今とても幸せな場所にいます。指で彼女の G スポットと肛門を巧みに刺激し、3 回目のクライマックスを迎えます。しかし今回は、彼は彼女に回復するのに一秒も与えず、クリトリスに舌を、お尻に指を入れて、最後の体を揺るがすオーガズムに至りました。
性器、骨盤、お尻、太ももに信じられないほどの緊張が生じます。そして、ビッグバンです。そのすべての緊張が快楽の奔流で解き放たれます。彼女の子宮、膣、および肛門は、0.8 秒間隔で同時に収縮します。彼女は今、彼女が知っている最も楽しいこと、つまり女性のオーガズムの真っ只中にいます.
You’re about to watch four absolutely beautiful orgasms. And in a Hegre.com first, you’ll be watching them in an incredible 4k resolution. Yes, we’ve been shooting in 4k for a couple of years, but this is the first time it’s presented in 4k. This is a visual treat.
You’ll notice he doesn’t just get down to the action. The build up is slow. He massages her head, breasts, hands, legs and feet. He takes the time to get her in the mood; he awakens her senses. And you can see how much she loves it.
Then things get serious. Up first is a g-spot and clitoris combination that sends her wild. When she’s recovered a little, he moves to oral stimulation of her clit while finger teasing her anus. After coming again, she’s now in a very happy place. With his fingers, he then expertly stimulates her g-spot and anus together for a third climax. But this time he doesn’t give her a second to recover, following up with tongue on clit and finger in ass for a final, body-shaking orgasm.
So that’s how he does it. But what’s going on inside? What are the physics behind the female orgasm?
Well, as you pleasure her, the vagina wall starts to secrete lubricant. Blood rushes to her pelvic area. Her breathing quickens. Her heart starts pounding. And her nipples go hard. The lower part of her vagina narrows ready to grip a penis. She’s almost ready.
An incredible amount of tension builds up in her genitals, pelvis, ass and thighs. And then it’s the big bang. All that tension gets released in one torrent of pleasure. Her uterus, vagina and anus contract simultaneously at 0.8 second intervals. She’s now in the middle of the most pleasurable thing she knows: the female orgasm.
Inside her brain, most of her thinking has shut down. She’s focused. As she comes, oxytocin (the cuddle hormone) floods into her system, intensifying her contractions.
Finally, she begins to relax. Now she fears less. She trusts you more. And she feels more connected with you than before you started to get down to it.
So as you watch her, keep all this intense internal activity in mind. Or just get lost in her gorgeous moans, like we did…