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看女孩吃饭总是一种感官体验。 看着 Veronika 吃西瓜会让你的味蕾刺痛,汁液从她的下巴滑落,慢慢地流过她神圣形象的山丘和山谷。 Veronika 西瓜让我们想起那些漫长的夏日,慢慢地变成了秋天。 让人感觉在维罗尼卡的微笑中,有一种永远持续的夏日的一瞥。
Watching girls eat is always a sensual experience.
Watching Veronika eating watermelon makes your taste buds prickle, the juice slipping from her chin and coursing its way slowly, slowly over the hills and valleys of her divine figure. Veronika Watermelon reminds us of those long summer days slowly turning to autumn.
One gets the feeling that in Veronika's smile there is a glimpse of summer days that will last forever.
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