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当你和朋友一起庆祝生日时,你总是注意到一个性感的黑发美女朝你这边看。 有一次,女孩走过你身边,低声说她有一份特别的礼物要送给你。她是什么意思?你再也见不到她了。过了一会儿,您就回到了高级酒店。你在那里发现的东西绝对会让你大吃一惊。同样的黑发性感小猫,鲜红色的口红与她的红色内衣相配,在你的床上打滚。 这将是有史以来最棒的生日!
While celebrating your birthday with your friends, you keep noticing a hot brunette looking your way.
At one point the girl walks past you and whispers that she has a special gift for you. What does she mean? You don't see her again. After a while, you head back to the exclusive hotel. What you find there will completely surprise you. The same dark-haired sex-kitten, bright red lipstick to match her red underwear, rolls around on your bed.
This is going to be the best birthday ever!
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