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就像她是用花岗岩雕刻而成。 你以前看过花样滑冰运动员,但从来没有像这样!你见过她们像芭蕾舞演员一样腾空而起,在冰面上毫不费力地滑行,但她们从未赤身裸体。 在这张与职业滑冰运动员罗斯的幕后照片中,您将看到人体处于完美的身体状态。 零脂肪和惊人的健美身材,她是炙手可热的运动员的定义。
Like she’s carved from granite.
You’ve watched figure skaters before, but never like this! You’ve seen them leaping into the air like ballerinas and gliding effortlessly on ice, but they’ve never been naked.
In this behind the scenes photo shoot with professional skater Rose, you’re going to see the human body in perfect physical condition.
With zero fat and an amazingly toned body, she is the very definition of hot athlete.
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