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HEGRE 的第 1001 部电影带回了乌克兰顶级模特 RIANA,在幕后拍摄了亲密而色情的照片。 作为一名时装模特,Riana 对走秀和具有挑战性的姿势当然很熟悉。不过,在镜头前裸露是另一回事,因为模特正在向世界揭露她最私密的秘密。 这部影片由彼得·赫格雷在他位于巴塞罗那的工作室进行的一次特别拍摄中录制和拍摄,让您对裸体摄影艺术有一个难得的个人见解。
HEGRE’s 1001st movie brings back top Ukrainian model RIANA for an intimate and erotic photo session behind the scenes.
AS A FASHION MODEL, Riana is certainly familiar with catwalks and challenging postures. Appearing nude in front of a camera is a different matter though, as the model is exposing her most intimate secrets to the world.
Recorded and photographed by PETTER HEGRE during a special photoshoot in his studio in Barcelona, this film gives you a rare and personal insight into the art of nude photography.
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