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帕梅拉被她的新玩具迷住了。这正是她一直想要的。 她站了一会儿,双腿分开,愉快地沉思着即将到来的快乐。然后,渴望已久的时刻到来了。她轻轻地把自己放在最合适的地方,以获得最大的快乐。她太了解自己的身体了。她找到了内心狂喜的地方。这几乎是无法承受的。 幸福的几分钟过去了。然后是时候让她为自己一直在做的事而欢欣鼓舞了。 在 Hegre.com 商店获取您自己的魔法棒!
Pamela is enthralled by her new toy. It’s just what she has always wanted.
For a few moments she stands, legs apart, in joyful contemplation of the pleasure to come. Then the longed-for moment arrives. Gently she places herself in just the right place for maximum delight. She knows her own body so well. She finds a place of inner ecstasy. It is almost too much to bear.
The blissful minutes pass. Then it is time for her to rejoice in the memory of what she has been doing.
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