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长腿金发拉娜本周特别为您表演桌舞! 当您看到这位穿着她的过膝长靴、精致的蕾丝手套和小巧的丝绸内裤跳舞的精美模特时,您将大饱口福。拉娜 (Lana) 的眼中充满了希望——这种具有穿透力的凝视、她丰满的噘嘴和柔软的四肢,让您做好充分的诱惑。 你能抗拒可爱、甜美的拉娜吗?不?所以坐下来享受你的私人舞蹈吧!
Long-legged blonde Lana performs a table dance especially for your pleasure this week!
You are in for a treat as you get to watch this exquisite model dance wearing just her over the knee boots, delicate lace gloves and tiny silk panties. Lana has that look in her eye that promises more - and with this penetrating gaze, her full-lipped pout and those lissom limbs, prepare yourself for total seduction.
Can you resist the lovely, luscious Lana? No? So sit back and enjoy your private dance!
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