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在 Herman Miler office supply,他们说他们的顶级 Aeron 椅子“性能无与伦比!”我们想知道他们在想出这个口号时是否想到了 Klara。 在一部承诺以全新视角看待办公室玩耍的电影中,克拉拉像旋转木马上的女学生一样转来转去。结果是从“各个方面”的详细视角展示了 Klara 惊人的轮廓。 只穿着一双专业的黑色高跟鞋,克拉拉是一个即使是最单调的小隔间也能为她增添趣味的女人!
At Herman Miler office supply they say their top of the line Aeron chair “performs like no other!” We’re wondering if they had Klara in mind when they came up with that slogan.
In a film that promises to put a whole new perspective on playing around in the office, Klara spins round and round like a school girl on a carousel. The result is a detailed perspective from “all sides” showing off Klara’s amazing contours.
Wearing nothing but a pair of professional black heels, Klara is one woman who could certainly spice up even the dullest cubicle!
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