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琪琪已经从梦中惊醒。她想再次沉浸在其中。 她知道一个可靠的方法来做到这一点。她悠闲地让双手抚摸自己。它们像抚摸着她身体的地毯一样柔软。她的白日梦成形了。 过去的欢乐回忆又回来了。她挤压她的乳房。它们使人想起所有能唤起她女性激情的事物。暖暖的微风拂过她,让她想起情人的抚摸。 现在她可以确定她的梦想会令人满意。
Kiki has been roused from her dreams. She wants to lose herself in them again.
She knows a sure way to do that. In a leisurely way she lets her hands run over herself. They are as soft as the rug which is caressing her body. Her daydream takes shape.
Memories of past delights return. She squeezes her breasts. They bring to mind all that arouses her feminine passions. The warm breeze across her reminds her of a lover’s touch.
Now she can be certain her dreams will be satisfying.
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