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您可能认为成为一名裸体摄影师很容易。女孩在你面前脱光衣服。您将花哨的裤子相机对准他们。然后点击,点击,点击。好吧,事实并非如此。 要获得您在 Hegre.com 上欣赏的令人惊叹的图像,需要先进的照明、构图和技术技能。更不用说无穷无尽的能量了(整个制作过程都是身心俱疲的,就像每天跑马拉松一样)。这段幕后花絮将使您对裸体摄影的世界有一个亲密而个人的一瞥。 但是拍摄裸体人体会不会感到无聊呢?幸运的是没有。经过几十年的工作,我们仍然可以享受他的热情所带来的成果。
You might think it’s easy being a nude photographer. Girls strip off in front of you. You point your fancy pants camera at them. And then click, click, click. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
To achieve the stunning imagery that you enjoy on Hegre.com, it takes advanced lighting, composition and technical skill. Not to mention boundless energy (the entire production effort is mentally and physically draining, like running a marathon every day). This behind the scenes footage will give you an intimate and personal glimpse into the world of nude photography.
But is it possible to get bored shooting the naked human form? Fortunately not. After decades of work, we still get to enjoy the fruits of his passion.
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