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模特擅长摆姿势。但要拍摄出最令人惊叹的照片,他们需要指导。所以最好的摄影师不是雕像。它们是能量束。他们总是在谈论、移动和塑造形象。 在此 Hegre 摄影工作室视频中,您将看到 Petter 是如何做到这一点的。他用自己的身体示范下一个姿势,同时不断地用口头指示引导模特。他从不坐以待毙。而且很少安静。 您还会注意到他经常向模特展示相机。这是为了通过向她展示她看起来多么壮观来帮助鼓励和激励她。 那么,如果您不是崭露头角的摄影师怎么办?嗯,你不需要考虑技术。你可以尽情享受她的性感丝袜和吊带……
Models are good at striking a pose. But to capture the most stunning shots, they need guidance. So the best photographers are not statues. They’re bundles of energy. They’re always talking, moving, and shaping the image.
In this Hegre photographic workshop video, you’ll see how Petter does this. He uses his body to demonstrate the next pose, while constantly guiding the model with his verbal instructions. He’s never sitting still. And is rarely quiet.
You’ll also notice how he often shows the camera to the model. This is to help encourage and inspire her by showing her just how spectacular she’s looking.
So what if you’re not a budding photographer? Well, you don’t need to think about technique. You can just enjoy her sexy stockings and suspenders…
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