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生活没有比这更好的了:现在是夏天,缓慢的海浪在荒凉的海滩上滚滚而来。远处,一艘缓缓航行的船,横渡无边无际的海洋。而且你和世界上最性感的女孩在一起...... 安娜·L 和丹尼回到了他们自己的秘密海滩,心中充满了对户外狂野性爱的期待。他们赤裸裸、不羁,随波逐流。 这是关于做爱乐趣的终极ABC。包括必须亲眼所见才能相信的无边无际的性狂热......
Life doesn’t get better than this: It’s summer, slow waves are rolling in on a desolated beach. Out in the distance, a slow sailing ship crossing an endless ocean. And you’re in the company of the sexiest girl in the world…
ANNA L and DANNY return to their own secret beach, dripping with the expectations of a wild day of sex out in the open. Naked and uninhibited, they’ll just roll with the waves of passion.
This is the ultimate ABC on the joy of lovemaking. Including a boundless sexual frenzy that must be seen to be believed...
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