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有时,众所周知,少即是多。 在超过 4 分钟的时间里,这位美丽的年轻女子在沙发上走来走去,回应主人的要求。你可以看到一切;她美丽的脸庞,惊人的乳房,娇小的身体,当然还有那双眼睛。 你必须看到他们才能相信他们。这是一部电影的真正瑰宝!
Sometimes, as we all know, less is more.
For over 4 minutes this gorgeous young woman moves about on the couch, responding the requests of the Master. You can see everything; her beautiful face, her amazing breasts, her petite body, and, of course, those eyes.
You have to see them to believe them. This is a true gem of a film!
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